Tsunamika’s new venture into saving our Oceans 

The Ocean Festival in collaboration with Pondicherry Tourism and Upasana Auroville is happening from 12 July to 18 July 2022 at Bharat Nivas, Auroville is a collective celebration of Fisherwoman, Young People, Design Schools, NGOs, and a panel of experts to come together for innovative solutions for a clean ocean. The event will be a collective of students and volunteers from all over India, showcasing their designs on the theme ‘The Ocean Festival ’, workshops on Upcycling, Knowing your Waste, Reducing your Carbon Footprint, and more, and Community Activities such as beach cleaning, canyon cleaning, turtle walks, art installations, etc. talks from experts over various topics such as Knowing Oceans and Underwater Diving. 

Overall, this event raises awareness about keeping our Oceans, and a pledge for clean oceans as ‘Oceans Live, We Live’. 

About Tsunamika 

Tsunamika is a symbol of this commitment toward our ocean and has been a part of the United Nations Satellite Activity for SDG 14 – clean ocean representing India. Uma Prajapati is the founder of Tsunamika, after the 2004 devastating Tsunami she visited several coastal villages and was moved to act. This became a livelihood for 180 of them, they were trained by Prajapati and her team to make little dolls out of cloth bits and waste from manufacturing. 

Since then Tsunamika has gathered recognition for the work it does, a storybook was published in 7 languages and the dolls were sent to Japan in 2011 as a gesture of solidarity during their tsunami. It has also been featured on CNN and the State School Board of Tamil Nadu has included it in its curriculum and so has NIFT, Delhi as a case study for Design and Social Responsibility. 

So Far, over 6 million dolls have traveled to more than 80 countries.