Greetings from Indianostrum Théâtre!

We would like to share news with you.

We are beginning with a new play- Flying Chariot (s). We will begin rehearsals for the play from the first week of May and we plan to premiere the play in the month of August at Indianostrum Théâtre in Pondicherry.

We have started a crowd-funding campaign on KETTO  to raise funds for the play. The details of the campaign can be found HERE.

We request you to help us reach our funding target. If you need any information about the play to enable you to make decision on how you can help us, please do write to us. We will be happy to answer.  Please do share the details of the fundraiser with the people who you think might be interested in supporting our play.

Thank you for your support.

Best Regards,

Koumarane Valavane

Indianostrum Théâtre

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Support US: Flying Chariot(s)