The house of cards has crashed down like thunder.

In a beautiful descent. The grand finale of our accomplishments

Dynazty is a Swedish metal band known for their catchy melodies and well crafted lyrics sung by mesmerizing voice of Nils Molin. The Smoking Gun, a ballad from their 2016 album, Titanic Mass, is no exception to this.

The song is about a relationship doomed to fail. The song is not only lyrically brilliant, but is also some of their finest work from a songwriting perspective. It is structurally unique with no real chorus, just a slow build of energy that follows the singers journey from pain to acceptance and a sense of catharsis in realizing that he must move on. Upon arriving at this moment of clarity the song reaches its climax with a moving guitar solo that ends the song.

As an enormous Dynazty fan, this is easily one of my favourite tracks from their entire discography. Much like with most of their songs, I don’t particularly relate or connect to the song from a thematic perspective. But I still find the lyrics deeply moving. Not because I can particularly relate to them, but because of how well they’re written. For me, my favorite thing about this band is how well they can convey complex thoughts and emotions with well crafted metaphors and analogies. The line “the smoking gun was always you and me” perfectly captures the atmosphere the band is trying to create, and does it in just a few words. Dynazty is a band that I never get tired of listening to. They use the same old formula that so many successful bands have used, but do it in a way that is not only better, it feels brand new. They don’t just write catchy hooks or good lyrics, they make complex melodies look simple, and brilliantly crafted lyrics look like normal language, and convince you it’s the same old catchy music you’ve been listening to your whole life. They essentially trick you into thinking you’re listening to easy-to-digest music, and only after listening to the entire thing, do you realize that you’ve been listening to pure genius. It’s essentially the auditory equivalent of ‘here comes the airplane’ and it’s the reason I love this band so much.

Listen to the track here:

Submitted by Prashant Srinivasan Sarkar

The Smoking Gun

Standing by the fire. We burned ourselves again
I take your hand and walk you through the rain
I know that you can see the world in color
Yet paint it your own way
The guiding hand of a child in need to play
And the road goes ever on

Stumbling in the water. I barely see my feet
It won’t take long before we’re in too deep
The house of cards has crashed down like thunder
In a beautiful descent. The grand finale of our accomplishments

Take me back so I can see
‘Cause I find it so hard to believe
We were ready, we were ready
Now the road goes ever on
Showing what we have become
And slowly we will come undone
Like wanderers in the desert sun
And the road goes ever on

Where there’s smoke there’s fire, it shouldn’t be hard to see
That the smoking gun was always you and me
Now there is a shadow in the distance looming our way
The phantom of the debt we never paid

Take me back so I can see
‘Cause I find it so hard to believe
We were ready, we were ready
Now the road goes ever on
Showing what we have become
And slowly we will come undone
Like wanderers in the desert sun
And the road goes ever on

Where there’s smoke there’s fire, it shouldn’t be hard to see
The smoking gun was always you and me
I’ll learn to change my mind, I’ll adapt if we would try
But the sun has burned out
I stumble in the dark reaching for the sun
And a life that’s just begun
For you and for me
Take me back so I can see
Was it always meant to be
The finale draws near
And the road becomes clear
The future’s gone but the road it goes forever on