Sri Aurobindo Centre for Studies…
India and the World
Bharat Nivas
- Savitri: A Parable of Dawn (Savitri: Book V1, Canto 11)
A presentation by a Friend of Auroville, Pramila Le Hunte, who lives in London
On the evening of October 26, 2019, 5 – 6 p.m.,
in ‘Bhumika Hall’ at the Bharat Nivas Campus
A few words about the presentation:
“I have curated the epic poem of Sri Aurobindo to allow you heart- to- heart closeness with Savitri on her journey of Ascension. The total experience will last an hour. The first section lasting about half an hour, I have designed as a ‘katha’, the telling of a story. The first section of ‘A Parable of Dawn, is a powerful narrative, using Sri Aurobindo’s blank verse, a short story for children and two songs. Throughout, music composed by Lawrence Matthias will follow each mood as it unfurls. The closing half hour is a meditation, all in Sri Aurobindo’s words.”
About Pramila:
“I offer you Savitri with humility and joy. I have spent my life learning and teaching poetry. I had the privilege to meet Mother in my first year at Cambridge, and her call has reached me on retirement. I am now a Friend of Auroville, where I have taken inspiration from the Master in preparing this Gitanjali for you.”