Ekathara Kalari Presents: The 9th Baul Gyan Darpan retreat will take place online on 8th – 9th – 10th April, 2021.

Below is a short video by Parvathy Baul about what Baul Gyan Darpan is.

To apply, please visit: ekatharakalari.org/retreat2021

Sahaj Madhuri – Eighth edition of bi-annual newsletter has insights into the philosophy of Bauls. Glimpses of inner journey and outer manifestation of sacred work.

You can click below to read the newsletter online Read Sahaj Madhuri Online

Or click the following link to download it directly onto your device as pdf: Sahaj Madhuri Vol.8, March 2021.pdf

The newsletter contains links to audio-recorded poems and youtube videos. To benefit fully from being able to click these, kindly use the pdf download option.