Subbody Butoh Workshops and Performances
What is Subbody Butoh?
Subbody Resonant Butoh Method is developed by Rhizome Lee from Japan.
Subbody means subconscious and subtle body. With various conditioning techniques we create movements through exploring subconscious realm, away from boundary of ego and daily consciousness. Encountering with hidden pure life languages through body. Recovering resonant life through dance!
1. Transform from daily thinking to sub body, co body (resonant sub body) mode by original conditioning methods.
2. Listen to hidden realm of body, catch and follow the subtle tendencies of life.
3. Research in the abyss of life.
4. Enter and share each other’s mystery, secret and flower of Life.
Come see and participate with students of Lee in the butoh explorations in the upcoming performances and workshops! More to be announced in future also.
Location: CRIPA
Wednesday Jan 6 > 19:30 – 22:00
Friday Jan 8 > 9:00 – 12:00
Saturday Jan 9 > 9:00 – 1:-00
PERFORMANCE Sat Jan 9 > 19:30
Monday Jan 11 > 9:00 – 13:00
Auroville is one of the venues of the 2nd India Resonant Butoh Tour, see more information on the Subbody Resonant Butoh Himalaya website