Dear all,

We, at Auroville Film Festival, have launched a crowd funding campaign for our 5th Biennial Auroville Film Festival, and we would love it if you could contribute with a donation or sharing our campaign.

This time, in return for your generosity, we are giving you the opportunity to fight global warming!

For every $10 donation, our foresters or volunteers will plant a tree in the Auroville community.

We will take a photo of your tree and send it to you while your tree lives on to fight climate change.

Your humble contribution will go a long way. You can support us by making a donation to our Carbon Neutral Fund via Indiegogo and sharing the campaign with your friends on social media.

We look forward to your support as always and we would love to see you at the festival which will be commencing on Dec16th – Dec 23rd, 2017.

With love,

Auroville Film Festival