Artists living and working abroad are invited to apply for the International Co-Production Fund together with their partner in Germany.
International coproductions epitomize a form of artistic collaboration involving partnership and dialogue. With a view to encouraging new collaborative working processes and innovative productions involving international cultural exchange, the Goethe-Institut set up a new coproduction fund in the summer of 2016 to promote new working networks and approaches within a global context and to explore new forms of intercultural collaboration.
This funding is intended for coproductions by artists in the fields of theatre, dance, music and performance art, in which hybrid and interdisciplinary formats and the use of digital media may be key components. The target group comprises professional artists and ensembles abroad and in Germany, which demonstrably lack sufficient resources to realize their coproduction project on their own.
With the International Coproduction Fund the Goethe-Institut would like to support the unrestricted international and intercultural exchange of artists and their ideas. The facilitation of such an exchange and the networking it spawns among the various players are equally as important as the productions resulting from the project.
The joint application, which must be submitted by the foreign partner (living and working abroad), must show clearly that good working contacts already exist between the partners and that both parties are interested in putting together a dialogue-oriented production. The Head Office of the Goethe-Institut recommends highly getting in touch with local Goethe-Instituts for questions about the development of applications.
The International Coproduction Fund promotes projects of a high artistic calibre and with considerable public impact. The results of the collaborative efforts are to be presented in a professional setting abroad, if possible also in Germany. An application should include a feasible financial plan which, in addition to third-party funding, should show the substantial contributions of all the project partners involved. The amount of funding requested should not exceed €25,000.
Projects between German and non-European partners, in particular from transition countries, are preferred.

The project partners have the task of doing active, broad-based public-relations work, in which the support from the Goethe Institut’s International Coproduction Fund should always be mentioned. Both partners should pay close attention to documenting the progress of the project with photos, videos, press reports and other modes of display, in order to facilitate a presentation of the project on the website of the International Coproduction Fund.
The deadline originally announced for 15.04.2021 has to be postponed. Please note that there will only be one application round in 2021.
The new deadline will be on 30.09.2021 at 23.59 (CET).