Dominiques Jacques

1968-2018, don’t those dates ring the bells of change, revolution, metamorphosis? And even more, don’t they arise within you the undeniable feeling of hope?

Those are the numbers imprinted in the 20 stamps that artist Dominique Jacques designed for her upcoming exhibition “Visible Invisible”, in Citadines, commemorating the 50th birthday of Auroville.

The idea is ingenious. Stamps, a 19th century innovation, are an excellent primary source for the symbolic messages that governments seek to convey to their citizen and the world. Not only an historical source material, like coins, they are also a great tool of influence, and with art they reflect the spirit of an age and reveal much about the values of a society.

When the Indian government decided to print a stamp with the effigy of Sri Aurobindo for the creation of Auroville in 1968 and another one for the commemoration of the birth centenary of the Mother, Mirra Alfassa in 1978, it showed the impact these extraordinary people had on the nation and the world.

What makes these aquarelles and pastels so unique are their unusual composition. The expected theme is Auroville and the graphic game of the subject in each of them proves to be judicious, almost like a reflection of a wise message conveyed for each art piece.

Matrimandir, Solar Kitchen, Visitor Centre and more……each subject is exposed double on each frame, with a different colour, different tone, side by side or up and down.

The French born artist Dominique Jacques has worked on this project for the last two years. After graduating from the famous “Ecole Nationale d’Art“ in Cergy Pontoise, France, followed by a curating school, she spent many years in Italy where she remained until her move to Auroville with her husband. In Italy, apart from restoration, curing and reproduction, she removed and revealed in contraction fresco – an attempt to discover what once was and what can resurface to the eyes of all the world. It is this journey and the core of Dominique which transpires in each of her stamps.

In an analogy of her fresco yard, she wants to convey that all which is beneath is a symbolic representation of what works on the surface and what is on the top is only the appearance of what is under. The message is as physical as it is spiritual. Idealist, seeker and also finder, this refined, creative and ingenious work is a mirror of Dominique.

1968, with the creation of Auroville, the student uprising in Europe, the first travel to the moon and more, still represents a cliche for“ changing the world” and is an indisputable signifier of one the greatest aspirations for humanity. 2018, and the 50th anniversary of Auroville, is symbolic of the undeniable hope that all is still possible.

Chana Corinne Devor for AVArtS

Photos by Aurelie Fischer


Exhibition “Visible, Invisible” by Dominiques Jacques

Centre d’Art Citadines, Auroville

From 9th till 23rd of December, monday to saturday, 2:30 – 6 PM