Dear Friends of Bharat Nivas,
We are happy to share with you the Cultural Calendar for the month of March 2020. (See attached document).
In addition, we resend the poster image of the present ongoing Exhibition of Kalakendra. A reminder to say, it will be open till 29th February 2020.
Announcing the Next Exhibition:
Sanskrit Exhibition, 4 to 21 st March 2020, at Kalakendra. (see poster attached).
The Inauguration: on Wednesday, 4th March at 5 pm, in the presence of the Vice Chancellor of the Pondicherry University, Sri Gurmeet Singh.
More details about projected activities around the Sanskrit Exhibition are copied below for your information.
Sri Aurobindo once said: “The great mass of Sanskrit literature is a literature of human life”
The significance of ancient Indian contributions in the field of science and technology remains relatively unknown, especially among the younger generation. The Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) has prepared an exhibition titled ‘संविज्ञानम् – Scientific Heritage of India’. With an intention to learn from the ancient wisdom and boldly spring towards future realisations, Samskritam Auroville team and Bharat Nivas are pleased to bring this exhibition to Auroville. We warmly invite everyone.
To take small steps ahead towards learning Sanskrit and making it a living language in Auroville, along with the exhibition, we are happy to also announce a संस्कृत-सम्मेलनम् (Sanskrit Confluence) in March 2020 where we will organise at Kalakendra, different activities on Chanting, Conversation Class, Indian Classical Dance, Vedic Astrology, Calligraphy, Study of Spiritual Texts, Films, Vaastu etc. We are inviting individuals and units engaged in Sanskrit related work in Auroville to join us and also share about their work. We will publish more details about it and the schedule in next week’s News & Notes edition and also on Auronet.
For more information, feel free to write to us at For queries specifically related to the exhibition please write to or call on 0413-2622488
Many of you would know that The Mother had written* about these four languages to be studied in Auroville:
(1) Tamil
(2) French
(3) Simplified Sanskrit, to replace Hindi as the language of India
(4) English, as the international language.
*Written on 15 December 1970 on the occasion of the inauguration of a school in Auroville. On 19th April 1971, she had also said: “…I have the deepest respect for Indian languages and continue to study Sanskrit when I have time.”
We invite all the schools to participate enthusiastically and if there are any ways in which we can support in enhancing Sanskrit activities in your school, please do let us know. We have some learning resources that we will be very happy to share.
We look forward to your support and participation.
Bharat Nivas Activity Group
Bharat Nivas
Pavilion of India
Auroville 605 101
Tamil Nadu: India
+91 413 2622 914/2622488/2623250