D I R E C T O R ‘S   C U T
In conversation with the Louvre Abu Dhabi
A glimpse into how the institution of the museum is being reimagined and reinvented today.
Wednesday, 29th June, 06:30 PM Left-Manuel Rabaté Right- Kamini SawhneyThis episode of MAP’s series Director’s Cut features Manuel Rabaté, Director of Louvre Abu Dhabi. 

The Louvre Abu Dhabi is a new landmark to grace the art scene of the United Arab Emirates. Rabaté has headed the institution in the position of Director since its inception in 2016. Championing universality, Rabaté’s mandate focuses on training the next generation of Emirati museum professionals and leaders, to reframe Abu Dhabi as a cultural centre for global audiences.

The Director’s Cut series, anchored by Kamini Sawhney, MAP’s Director, offers a glimpse into how the institution of the museum is being reimagined and reinvented today and presents a unique opportunity to hear from reputed practitioners in museums around the world as they reflect on their institutional experiences, behind-the-scenes challenges, unique initiatives, and more.
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Craft Matters
A workshop on the appreciation of craft traditions 
Saturday, 2nd July, 06:00 PM Architectural Details from Junagarh Fort, Bikaner. Photo Credits: Aashima Singh Art and craft don’t really exist or operate in silos. For instance, the Warli painting tradition has been commonly seen on walls of rural homes in Maharashtra for centuries. Today, it is also present in museums and art collections around the world.

With a special focus on craft appreciation, this workshop led by Aashima Singh, endeavours to challenge popular perceptions of craft, as well as art, and blur the distinctions between the two.
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